Exclusive "Magnetic Square" Mini-Course For Fans of Lev Goldentouch
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This course does exactly what it says and it "shows" you how to be successful. I have read 10 books on Memory Palaces and none demonstrate the method. Anthony shows you how to create personal experiences for long term memory retention. - Bradley Leese

I learnt the ancient Koine Greek through brute force rote learning that took years of tears and pain. I now remember whole chunks of passages in this old language, and words of another language I’m learning with such ease that I often think it can’t be this easy. The “work” has been to calm my anxieties and temptation to go down the brute force, and the effort to move towards creating memorable images which are tied to images and locations I already know.

If you want to take your Memory to another level and create a comprehensive system to NEVER have any problem related to memory anymore, then don’t miss this opportunity because it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! - Rodolfo Oliveira